Dental Fillings Near You

A filling is the best solution to targeting cavities and preventing tooth decay from spreading.

While fillings are critical for oral health, many people find that silver fillings look unattractive.

Thankfully, at Inspire Dental Group, technology and materials have improved significantly since the first mercury (amalgam) fillings many years ago. Our dentist in Vancouver offers all our clients composite (white) fillings, which are great alternatives to amalgam fillings. Unlike amalgam fillings, composite fillings are designed to blend with the exact shade of your natural tooth.

dental Fillings near you

What is it?

A composite filling is a plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth.

This mixture is matched to the colour as your natural teeth making sure that your smile is healthy beautiful!

Fillings don’t always last forever, and sometimes your dentist will recommend that you replace your old fillings. When this happens you can ask us to replace your fillings with a composite filling.

Advantages of dental fillings

  • Costs less than gold fillings
  • Typically can be done in one appointment
  • They are the same colour as your natural teeth
  • Require less removal of your own enamel compared to traditional fillings
  • Supports tooth structure and prevents breakage
  • Helps insulate tooth from pain or discomfort caused by hot or cold foods and drinks

Dental fillings procedure

First, we numb the area around the tooth to be worked on with local anesthesia. While the tooth area is numb, the dentist will remove the decay or defective tooth structure. The space is then prepared by thoroughly cleaning the cavity of bacteria. After preparing your tooth, the dentist adds the composite down in layers, using a specialized light between each layer to harden and strengthen them. Once the layering process is done, the composite fillings are shaped and polished to match your tooth. It is normal to experience some slight tooth sensitivity shortly after the procedure.

After your appointment

You may experience sensitivity after a filling is done. This should typically decrease over one or two weeks. Follow a regular oral health routine with daily brushing twice a day and daily flossing as well as regular check-ups with your dentist.